
Brian MacDonald

Charity: Tracy Friends for Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Foundation

Brian MacDonald is a Tracyite through and through. After growing up as a 4th generation resident and graduating from Tracy High, Brian returned home after receiving his Bachelors from UC Santa Barbara and his Masters in Public Administration from CSU Stanislaus. While many see him in his grown-up role as the Parks and Recreation Director for the City of Tracy, the majority of residents know Coach BMac as someone who's passionate about coaching a variety of youth sports and working with the senior community. Without a doubt, his involvement with the community has helped shape his vision for the Parks and Recreation Department in our town. With the help of his wife Stephanie, Brian is raising his two children in Tracy's new generation. With all that being said, he'll be raising money for Tracy Friends for Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Foundation.


Our mission is to enhance & supplement the programs, activities, and events offered by the City of Tracy Parks and Community Services Department.